Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination


  • Grégory Batt has been an invited speaker at the citizen science workshop Worldviews and Values in Synthetic Biology, Paris, June 2014.

  • Grégory Batt had a stand at Rencontres Inria Industries, Lyon, May 2014.

  • Xavier Duportet has been invited to speak at the 4th Congreso del Futuro (Santiago, Chili), together with renown change makers (e.g. J. Rifkin, T. Piketty)

  • Xavier Duportet is the cofounder and president of Hello Tomorrow, an international non-profit organization to promote technology entrepreneurship, with hubs in more than 80 cities worldwide and organizing one of the largest global startup competition.

  • Xavier Duportet is the vice president of Osons La France, a forum to promote scientific innovation (Grand Palais, Paris, Dec 2014).

  • Xavier Duportet has been featured in Le Monde, L'Obs, Europe1, L’Opinion (2x), SoonSoonSoon, L'Atelier, and Widoobiz.

  • François Fages gave an invited talk at Forum des Lauréats en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, Collège de France, Paris, Dec 2014.

  • François Fages gave an invited talk at Deuxième Journée Biologie et Mathématiques sur la Montagne, Collège de France, Paris, Oct 2014.

  • Artémis Llamosi is the co-foundeur and general secretary of the OpenLab, and organizer of related events on product industrialization. He provides scientific expertise to hosted startups.

Our research has also been presented at many scientific venues, in invited talks at the

  • 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI'14 (Prague, Aug 2014, François Fages),

  • 10th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology ICDCIT'14 (Bhubanesvar, Feb 2014, François Fages),

contributed talks

  • in LyonSysBio conference (Nov. 2014, François Bertaux),

  • International Workshop on Image-based Systems Biology (Jena, Sept. 2014, Szymon Stoma),

invited seminars

  • Irisa Rennes and LISBP Toulouse (Grégory Batt),

and posters at

  • the Systems Biology of Human Diseases workshop (Harvard, June 2014, François Bertaux),

  • q-bio summer conference (Santa Fe, Aug. 2014, François Bertaux),

  • Stochastic Biology (IST Austria, May 2014, François Bertaux),

  • Image Bioinformatics (Leuven, Oct. 2014, Szymon Stoma),

  • European Conference on Computational Biology (Strasbourg, Sep 2014, Denis Thieffry, Pauline Traynard),

  • International Conference on Systems Biology (Melbourne, Sep 2014, François Fages, Pauline Traynard).